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Focusing on the closing season of foreign trade at the end of the year, multiple batches of overseas customers inspected the factory and visited the factory

In early December, HUAYUXING Textile Machinery welcomed a number of overseas customers to inspect the factory. International Business Department Managers Gillian and Helen warmly received the guests from far. The customers who came to inspect the factory this time were introduced by customers who completed transactions, hoping to find suitable water-jet looms or air-jet looms in HUAYUXING Textile Machinery to replace the old looms they are currently using.
          In order to allow customers to have a more comprehensive and intuitive understanding of the product quality of HUAYUXING Textile Machinery, the manager led customers to visit the precision intelligent manufacturing workshop and introduced in detail the quality inspection, painting, assembly and other aspects of the production process. A water-jet loom product undergoing production simulation attracted the attention of customers, and its excellent performance during the test process won high praise from customers.
         After the visit to the workshop, colleagues from the International Business Department explained in detail to the visiting customers the corporate culture, development history, technical strength, “three-hearted” service system, relevant industry cooperation cases and other information of HUAYUXING Textile Machinery. The two parties discussed the next step of cooperation After in-depth communication on the matter, the overseas customer said that the mature technology and production management strength of HUAYUXING Textile Machinery made him full of expectations for future cooperation. He hoped that both parties could develop together and achieve a win-win situation in future cooperation projects!